UFOs in Vancouver
Official statement:
I live in Vancouver. My apartment faces north with a view of the mountains. The city line in the video is Oakridge, QE park area. It was a cloudy night obscuring the mountains.
At 12:29 a.m., February 8th, 2020, a Friday night, I was relaxing, casually talking with my wife when I noticed a single red ball of light rose from the city line.
As I watched the object rise into the sky and begin arching it did a strange, very quick, small dip and shot right back up. Like a small u in the sky, in a split second. I have been living in high rise apartments for well over ten years. I’ve seen everything, coloured meteors, stunt plains, drones. I watch the sky and consider myself perceptive. I had never seen an object maneuver so controlled and so fast. I knew right away I was looking at something unusual.
Now, there’s a side story. Ever since my memories of alien contact had come out Me and my wife had seen some different lights and objects around our apartment but nothing that I was ever able to capture so clearly on camera. So I knew what I was looking at was possibly a UFO.
I opened the door to our balcony, got out and began filming. At that point the first object remained stationary in the sky, while a second one appeared from the same spot on the city line and arched at a lower angle, which can be seen on the video.
I never had to capture something like this at night before, so while being amazed at the sighting, I noticed my camera was having problems with focusing. I just wanted to absorb the moment and forget about the camera so I stopped filming. Both objects remained stationary in the last spot filmed on camera for possibly thirty seconds and then slowly faded in their location and disappeared, the top one before the bottom one.
In my own analysis, raising the contrast, zooming in on the moving red ball of light, and slowing the film, the object flares lighting up the clouds or atmosphere around it, which I’d like to believe demonstrates that this was an object that was completely lit up, and not a normal human made craft.
UFOs in Vancouver Raw Video