(The link to a PDF of the Mystic Book is at the bottom of the page.)

There are still so many elements of the phenomenon for humans to discover and understand, and one of those is what many studying this field of “high strangeness” know as a “download.” It is a loose term and appears to imply different things to different people. Of the many different experiences I had with the entities, one of them was witnessing a book that seemed to have been uploaded (if that's the right term) into me when I was 16, during my first contact event, and remained there without my knowing, until it was time to get it out, in 2019. How this occurred is still very much a mystery to me, and all I can do is speculate. This is what I now call “The Mystic Book,” and I refer to it as a “download” because it did “feel” like a program that was lodged into my mind, and getting it out on paper did in fact “feel” like it was being downloaded. Yes, you read that right - a mystic book lodged into my mind and downloaded. Imagine a repeating book or script within your inner sight, that regardless of your change of focus, always remained the same when you came back to it.

At the time of The Mystic Books reading/downloading in 2019, when I put it to paper, I had no forethought about what it meant that this book had come from aliens, as I was simply acting in the moment from the “voice” I associated with “Dolphin Twin,” which I associated with the objects I was seeing in the sky. I didn’t ask the big picture questions because I was trying to understand what this “book” had to do with me.

It was UFO researcher Preston Dennett, in a presentation on his YouTube channel titled Alien Books in which he featured The Mystic Book, who would bring to my attention other contactees who have been shown, or given books by aliens, and many of them are like The Mystic Book. I was absolutely stunned.

In the first published abduction case in 1961 of Betty and Barney Hill, Betty handles an alien book, wanting to take it home as proof that they had alien contact. She described a book that had pages and writing.

Preston mentions close to ten cases of alien contact in which the contactee sees or interacts with a book, but the most interesting is the Betty Andreasson case from 1967 who was given a little thin blue book. She asked the ETs why they have given it to her, and they replied:

It is given to you for a while to grasp as much as you can from it, there is writing there that will only be discerned through the spirit and it’s the writing of light. It can be understood only through the spirit. The other writing is for man to seek and find out. There are formulas, and riddles, and poems, and writings for man to understand nature, for he too is nature. He is formed from love, and love is the answer for man.

It was called a Book of Initiation of Mysteries and Everything That Is and contained pages that glowed white. The mystery/mysticism motif and similar spiritual description of both of our books had me baffled.

UFO researcher Richard Boylan, in his book Close Extraterrestrial Encounters: Positive Experiences with Mysterious Visitors (1994), writes about Mike from Northern California, who, in 1969 when 11 years old, was taken on board a craft and held a large black book the ETs called the Book of Truth. The contents “popped” in his head, and were about the balance of the Universe, love of all things, and the peril of Earth and coming changes.

Preston ended his presentation with:

Aliens do have books, and they’re very profound and generally speaking are talking all about spirituality.

The Mystic Book was not the only book I witnessed. In the 23rd contact event I saw a library of books in the Elders office, pulling one out and opening it to witness holograms protruding from its pages. I also witnessed the Book of the Future in the 25th contact event which was Grey alien history but written about 500 years in the future. It had individual scripts that when focused upon provided me with a vision, which I would later learn was exactly as Jim Sparks experienced in his contact events while looking at an alien book, as he writes in The Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race (2008)

I know the Mystic Book’s purpose is to assist in the transition that is to come, as the Elder implied the change is about to happen, when witnessing the consciousness hologram in the 24th contact event. I’m convinced that in our lifetime, and soon, there will be a quick rush for worldwide spiritual understanding as the Beings make their presence known, and the only way we can comprehend them is with spirituality.

All these years later I still marvel at the breadth of topics covered in the book; levitation, God, time, imagination, observation and perception, how the Universe is made of light, it’s holographic nature, the power of Consciousness, of love, and Visioning and manifestation, just to name a few.

It’s also filled with encouragement to grow, with the Beings sounding like older space brothers and sisters, uplifting us in wisdom at a critical time in humanity.

It contains interesting metaphors that protruded from the pages while I read it, such as that human interpretation of space travel is like riding a bike to the edge of the Universe, how the tendencies of the mind are like the rooms of your house, or emotional baggage blocking the heart is like a beached whale.

I also understand some hidden nuances in The Mystic Book from what I have experienced with the Beings.

Firstly, the first three sections are the trinity; body (We are Not the Body), spirit (Knowledge of God the Unified Field), and mind (Imagination).

The Imagination, Orbs, and Shapes section seems very connected to my 5th contact event and what occurred afterwards. In the creation room, where I exercised telekinesis, the Elder said Do you understand that the function of your mind is to play with creativity? Then afterwards, in my everyday waking life, in my imagination I began creating orbs and light, unknowingly modelling the telekinesis play conducted with the Elder, and reflecting the Imagination, Orbs, and Shapes section of the Mystic Book. All these years later I believe these exercises facilitate in using their technology, such as driving their crafts.

The reading/downloading of the Spells section of the book, with its riddle-like prose (similar to Betty Andreasson’s book she received from the ETs which contained riddles) was in an archaic form of their language, not unlike how some of our ancient scriptures still use Sanskrit or Latin.

The Beings, besides building terrestrial bodies also make dimensional bodies, therefore the three topics in the Spells section, the Power of Observation, Power of Hands, and Body as Matter, represent the three core utilities of any entity in the Universe, such as an amoeba, animal, human, orb, higher self, or dimensional body. Each has an appendage or ability to take in information about its environment (Power of Observation), work with or manipulate the environment (Power of Hands), and have a point of individuation, or body of some type (Body as Matter)

Some parts of the book are now being corroborated by science, such as in the section the Holographic Principle which states;

In the beginning there was peace and calm when the Universe flashed forward. This flashing forward was a peaceful process. First an ethereal version flashed forward then the Universe created an exact copy of itself, the harder denser version that you see today. | As the Universe poured forth it formed itself into programmed codes. The ethereal created code, in which matter fell into.

A relatively new theory of the Big Bang is an idea that before the elements raced forth during inflation, a quantum static existed which guided those elements into the shapes, patterns, and elements of the stars and galaxies.

It is a gift to me that I am a messenger of this material. I have complete modesty as it is not my book, and very much from them to you. Through telepathy they have encouraged it to be given out for free for all to read, and in presentations in which I have talked about it I have offered it without charge. This is why it is a PDF link below which you can download on your smartphone or computer and read on your own time.

Who wrote the book? I’m not clear, and it could be similar to my contact events; the voice of the Elder but the Leader is its architect.

The book itself, while reading/downloading it, had no titles, including its cover name The Mystic Book, but the collection of words in any section contained its own essence which translated to our own concepts of titles.

The Grey alien script I read during the download contained much more information than human language. Each script was like a sentence, and a collection of scripts were like a paragraph. Yet, either a single script or a sentence still had a central conceptual theme that might be best referred to as a data packet. I denote each packet whether a single script or a collection of them by using a vertical bar - |.

May the Mystic Book serve to provide you with wisdom and insight, into the Greys, and into yourself.

Peace and Love

Jeff Selver, MBA

Clink the link below to download the PDF of the Mystic Book