Childhood Contact Event #2: Burlington, Ontario, Spring/Summer, 1983, 6 years old

It could be a summer day or a spring weekend day, but it’s in the middle of the day and me and my childhood friend, Shauna, are playing on the road that connects to her backyard. The gravel driveway is in between the house and the backyard. We’re on the road just off her driveway.

The neighborhood has changed since 1983. The location where I was playing was once a driveway for a single house that stood on the corner. The property is gone and what now stands in it’s place is a set of townhouses.

Maybe we’re playing hide n’ seek, I’m not certain, but she leaves when I see someone or something down the road that leads further into the neighborhood. It is a tall, skinny person, in a beige trench coat and fedora walking toward me. As it walks closer it is projecting a friendly emanation, repeating, “Hi,” to get my attention. As it walks closer my childhood eyes sees thin lizard-like hands and arms under the jacket, as it was telepathically projecting a happy, wide-eyed, human face, into my mind, covering a different face underneath, like a telepathic mask. Presently, I know from the telepathic imprint of that mask that he was doing this to not frighten me, from the sight of its bizarre alien face. As he approached, I was confused why this person was wanting to interact with me when it projected a telepathic impression best translated as “I want to show you something.”

My unusual behavior of not moving or responding as this bizarre stranger approached, has me presently deducing this must of happened ‘outside of time.’

It then extended out its left hand as it approached me putting it in front of my face, palm up, when my mind become filled with a vision. It was of my mother lying down on a medical bed, pregnant, happy and smiling, with a large needle going into her pregnant belly. 

In this moment in my life my mother was not pregnant and there was no communication at the time to indicate what will later be told to me, that this was meant to imply that this was my mother pregnant with myself, and Grey alien DNA was being injected into me as a fetus.

He then said, “We’ll be back.”

While I remained there, he walks past me to Shauna around the corner. What he does with her is unknown to me. 

Then, we just continue playing as if absolutely nothing occurred between us. This must be “out of time” as I can’t really make sense of this memory, but I know it did happen as the Elder will refer to this moment ten years later.