The rising
And The Alien Plan to Build an Enlightened City on Earth
By jeff Selver
“Jeff Selver's book is amazing."
- Preston Dennett, author of 29 book in the field of UFOs and alien abductions
Jeff Selver, MBA, did not think of himself as an “aliens and UFO guy.” He was a financial advisor for a bank and worked in sales. When a bizarre and unexplainable traumatic event, that occurred to him in his young adult years, came back to haunt him, he began investigating its cause. The same “lights in the sky,” associated with the bizarre event from his past, appeared just as they did twenty years prior. At that point he knew this traumatic event was associated with an otherworldly presence. Suddenly, at the age of 41, screen memories came to light, and broken memories of unbelievable alien contact events began opening up. He would learn the details of this traumatic event that happened as a young adult matched what can only be understood as a “genetic activation.” Understanding its origins opened a lifetime of obscured memories of alien contact.
"Jeff's huge amount of detail and recall of some 26 interactions and abduction events puts him in the highest category of UFO contactees."
- Ian Halling, co-host of Earthfiles YouTube channel and podcast
He then proved to himself that his memories were real by having knowledge about places in nature he had never been and corroboration (which continues to this day) of unique similarities between his contact events and so many other contactees, some details too specific to have been made up by his mind. He then began piecing together his story and his involvement with Grey aliens.
Armed with a unique ability to recall his obscured memories in detail (in-part facilitated by the genetic activation), passing a lie-detector test, and videos of UFOs flying outside his apartment while he wrote his book (which can be seen on his website,, Jeff tells his story.
In December of 1997, Jeff experienced the Rising, which was an agreement with Grey aliens to discover his soul. It was an intense consciousness raising event, coupled with a genetic activation. The Rising required him to take a leap of faith, sell all his possessions, and begin a life traveling from place to place. What unfolds is truly an epic adventure of removal from society, chance meetings with people, and living close to nature, all while having contact events with Grey aliens without his knowing. This is “Into the Wild,” the alien contact version, complete with paranormal events, encounters with strange objects in the sky and with beings from beyond. In summary it is 26 contact events with Grey aliens, told in amazing detail, and spread out from the years 1993 to 2017.
"It is a pleasure to introduce the reader to Jeff Selver and endorse his detailed and fascinating book. Reading it will be a great adventure, a spiritual journey, an introduction to Grey culture, an analysis of one man’s experiences, and an alien travel guide all rolled into one."
- Suzy Hansen, Author of The Dual Soul Connection: The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement, and Co-Founder of the International Coalition for Extraterrestrial Research (ICER)
It’s a story that purposely highlights and explores the complex nature of the Greys, including
Grey aliens are in the After Life realm
Their ability to see the future
The merging of human and Grey alien DNA
Their plan and execution for the hybrids
Their love for genetics and making bodies
Their already existing communication with human leadership
Their advanced consciousness technology
The Federation of Planets and multiple species
And the plethora of bases on Earth, in space, and on other planets within the solar system
Fundamentally, Jeff was shown that what humans understand about spirituality, life after death, dimensions, God, the soul, and psychic powers, are just the beginning of what these beings are all about. And that their capacity, understanding, and utilization of these is much greater than humans can imagine.
Jeff’s story shows that the only way we will ever be able to understand the Greys is to understand the power of our own personal spiritual potential. To assist with this, they gave him a manual of high spirituality addressed to humans he calls the Mystic Book.
But by the end the message from them becomes clear, we need to get ready for a Grey alien presence on our planet.
The Rising Revised Edition Rerelease Party With Guest Author, Researcher, and Experiencer, Suzy Hansen
UFOs in Vancouver
UFOs in Vancouver 2
About jeff
In his twenties, Jeff Selver started his own band which had a modicum of success, packing clubs in the thriving Toronto music scene. He then found a passion for management and leadership which led him to a Master of Business Administration, writing his thesis on spiritual values in leadership and the effects on organizational performance. This led to his work in banks and into the corporate world as a motivational speaker, teaching mindful leadership, and sharing the benefits of meditation. He has been under the tutelage of a Vedic teacher for over twenty years where he learned Vedic philosophy and meditation. When his memories of alien contact came out Jeff began presenting on his contact events in UFO groups, sharing his story in detail, and providing research and corroboration with other experiencers. He currently resides in Vancouver, B.C. with his spouse.
The polygraph…
The polygraph was conducted by a licensed private investigator with 20 years service in the South African Police Force. He completed the Professional Examiner Training Program for Psycho-physiological Detection of Deception by the American International Institute of Polygraph. An internationally accepted qualification. He is a member in good standing with the British European Polygraph Association (BEPA), the American Polygraph Association, and South African Truth Verification Council (SATVC), enabling him to conduct the necessary interviews and tests that will give scientific results to aid in establishing guilt or innocence.
The result of the polygraph conducted was “No Deception Indicated. Probability of Deception is .04”
The question he asked was “Are you lying about being abducted by aliens phased in an electromagnetic field.” This specific question was chosen by me based on a pre-interview where I learned he would be asking the desired question against something really basic, such as “Are you sitting?” Then the polygraph would measure the difference of the micro movements within the body. I proved to myself that I had been abducted by aliens, but because all of my memories had been obscured, and therefore recovered, I was concerned with my brains ability to not waver and therefore make some kind of micro movements. So upon reflection I came up with “…phased in an electromagnetic field,” because this is how it felt for my brain when I was in the presence of the beings.
Reference letter from my hypnotic regressionist.